
What It Is Like To Be a Girl

Walking around on a summer night,
My skirt in the wind,
The Foehn caressing my skin,
The street is quiet and sleepy,
Not a sound,
It is full moon,
This spectacle is wonderful,
Then – a noise.
At first distant,
Getting closer and closer,
my heart speeds up, panics,
In the distance I see a shadow,
Of what appears to be a man,
An imposing man I think,
Against whom I will not be able to fight,
He is getting ever closer to me,
Panicked I run, run, run,
Run, until I can’t breathe anymore,
My chest hurts, But I think
I don’t even feel the pain anymore,
The fear submerges me,
Droplets rolled down my forehead and cheeks,
I think I sweat and I cry,
I am at a dead end now,
As the noise gets even closer I am petrified,
I can’t move anymore,
There he’s, just a few meters away from me,
With his dark hair,
A heat wave overwhelms my entire body,
I can’t move anymore,
I’m completely paralyzed,
I tremble,
He’s here,
he’s just after me,
Too late,
I feel his hand on my arm…