She fell asleep crying, the night before
This late October Tuesday.
Sitting in the waiting room, a classy woman
I wonder what she was thinking
when she said I was the one and
she would never leave me, when
we both knew her condition, the fact that
A little girl standing on a brownish wooden porch,
A “Welcome home” doormat on it, lying still, homely,
mockingly. She just got back from school, a fading smile
on her face, her curly hair in a bun, pink shoes, wool white gloves on each hand.
So this is how it ends. With hundred eyes watching.
Traitors, cowards and innocents. All meant to be one,
Indeed you are. There is no salvation today.
Like the damned Adam and Eve,
I am bound to deceive
By the snake whispering
So, see he’s still stupid.
At first the trespassing goes unnoticed:
the shape shifts seamlessly
to the opposite side of its possibility:
what has been is no more
(was it ever?)
You, the one that lies alone in bed
You, the one that feels everything
You, who thinks
Cries and bawls won’t save you. I’m immune to seeing
Pain after all my wife went through. You held her
Captive for months, then tortured her until
She bled her organs and soul out. Now you dare
Lie in front of me, and believe you’re unreachable,